Counties: Franklin, Gasconade, St. Louis, Warren & Washington
East Central PBA was organized in 2015. Equipment was purchased via a cooperative agreement between Missouri Department of Conservation, National Wild Turkey Federation, and the MO River Valley Chapter of Quail Forever located in Washington, MO. The grant was used to purchase the trailer and burn equipment.
President: Charlie Skornia, 573-418-9961,
Technical Advisors:
Wesley Hanks, PF/QF Prescribed Fire Coordinating Wildlife Biologist,
Maria Lommel, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
Counties: Portions of Perry, Bollinger, and surrounding counties
The Foothills PBA was organized in 2021 by a group of local landowners wanting to work cooperatively with the community to increase the responsible use of prescribed fire on the local landscape. A trailer and prescribed burn equipment were purchased via a cooperative grant between Missouri Department of Conservation and Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever in Missouri through the Missouri Prescribed Fire Council.
President: Leo Loehnig, 314-620-5604,
Vice President: Paul Breitenstein, 573-238-7554,
Secretary/Treasurer: Travis DeGroot, 573-225-1321,
FPBA email:
Social media: @FoothillsPrescribedBurnAssociation
Counties: Maries and surrounding counties (within 45 miles of Vienna, MO)
The Greater Maries PBA formed in late 2023. Based in Maries County, membership is open to anyone living within 45 miles of Vienna, MO. For questions or membership, please email one of the GMPBA Officers below.
Chair- Ryan Westcott
Vice Chair- Andrew Haslag
Treasurer- D.J
Secretary- Susan Sauer
PBA email:
Counties: Monroe and surrounding counties (Macon, Shelby, Marion, Ralls, Audrain & Randolph)
Mark Twain PBA was started in 2015. The equipment was purchased via a cooperative agreement between Missouri Department of Conservation, National Wild Turkey Federation, and the Mark Twain Quail Forever Chapter located in Paris, MO. The grant was used to purchase the trailer and burn equipment available to its members.
President: Dave Harmon, (314) 307-8746,
Technical Advisors:
Will Robinson, Quail Forever Senior Wildlife Biologist,
Jamie Ebbesmeyer, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
Counties: Boone and surrounding counties (Audrain, Howard, Cole, Callaway, Moniteau, Cooper & Randolph)
Mid MO PBA was started in 2022 with a mission to help central Missouri landowners overcome hurdles that limit the use of prescribed burning: lack of experience, training, equipment and, most of all, peoplepower to help conduct the burn. A grant from National Wild Turkey Federation, along with donations from Mid Mo Uplanders Quail Forever Chapter located in Columbia, MO, and private donors, was used to purchase the trailer and burn equipment available to its members.
President: Adam Sapp (573) 819-7509;
Vice President: Tim Turpin (573) 881-8697;
Secretary/Treasurer: Lisa McBrayer (870) 405-7092,
Technical Advisors:
Ryan Lueckenhoff, Ducks Unlimited Biologist;
Brady Lichtenberg, MO Soybean Conservation Programs Manager;
Austin Dixon, MDC Private Land Conservationist;
Wesley Hanks, PF/QF Prescribed Fire Coordinating Wildlife Biologist;
Mid-MO PBA Info Flyer/Membership Application
MMPBA email:
Counties: Jefferson, Ste Gen, and into the adjacent counties
The Mid Mississippi PBA was formed in 2025 to create a more localized Association to serve the increasing interest of landowners in Jefferson & Ste Genevieve counties, which border the Mississippi River. Membership is open to landowners and land managers in Jefferson, Ste. Gen, and surrounding counties where the property is near the Jefferson & Ste. Gen county borders. Our goal is to promote the responsible use of prescribed fire, assist with prescribed burns, and promote safe management practices of prescribed fire. We wish to thank our organizational advisors, MO Department of Conservation, and Quail Forever and Pheasants Forever in Missouri.
President: Adam Mikesch, 314-541-0389
Vice President: Steve Jackson, 314-795-9663
Secretary: Missey Vancil, 314-608-4971
Treasurer: Cindy Dillow, 314-808-4951
PBA Email:
Technical Advisors:
Luke Wehmhoff, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
Rachel Williams, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
Cody Bowman, Quail Forever Wildlife Biologist,
Counties: Camden, Dallas, Laclede and Hickory Counties.
Organized in 2023 the Niangua Basin PBA mission is to provide the tools, training, education, and resources to conduct prescribed burns in a safe and effective manner that will reduce the threat of uncontrolled wildfires. The Association will promote safe management practices of prescribed fire on private lands within the counties of its membership and will utilize prescribed fire to enable participants to better manage their open space for the betterment of wildlife habitat and reduced public threat. We will also seek opportunities to educate the public regarding the benefits of fire in the environment.
President: Lance Dunbar 812 725-4434
Burn Coordinator: Daniel Bruns,
Social media: @NianguaBasinPBA
NBPBA email:
Counties: Carter, Ripley, and portions of the adjacent counties.
Ozark PBA was started in 2015 by a group of landowners who, after experiencing difficulty completing prescribed burn projects on their own properties, joined forces and formed the Ozark PBA.
OPBA Email:
Technical Advisor:
Devin Wood, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
County: Adair
Established in 2015 with the support of NDA, the coop has been successful in raising awareness of private land habitat management through prairie and woodland restoration and prescribed burning thousands of acres annually.
Vice President: Troy VanRie, 660-341-1728,
Counties: Clay, Caldwell, Carroll, and Ray counties
Organized in 2024 by local landowners and property managers working in a cooperative manner to use prescribed fire on the landscape for improvement of habitat and control of invasive species.
RNPBA Email:
President: Tom Modin, 816-560-8918,
Vice President: Brian Nelson:
Secretary: Pete Eisentrager:
Treasurer: Bill Atkinson:
Counties: Douglas, Howell, Ozark and into adjacent counties
Organized in 2023 following two public meetings, the South Central Missouri PBA is accepting membership and organizing local equipment to assist members with prescribed burns.
SCMPBA email:
Counties: St Francois, Iron, Madison, Reynolds counties and into the adjacent counties.
The St Francois Mountains Prescribed Burn Association was formed in December 2023 to overcome common hurdles to prescribed burn implementation including the lack of adequate knowledge, training, experience, equipment, and people available to assist on a prescribed burn. We seek to provide members with access to proper burn equipment and operate on a neighbor-helping-neighbor basis to assist members with prescribed burns. Whether you need help applying prescribed fire to manage your land or want to gain hands-on experience, the Association is here to help!
PBA phone: 573-227-8268
PBA email:
Counties: Crawford, Dent, Phelps and into adjacent counties
The Upper Meramec PBA was initiated by collaborative burning between a few landowners early in 2023 and officially formed after a public meeting in May of 2023. The PBA is accepting memberships to assist members with prescribed burns.
President: Joe Heller, 314-323-8808,
Vice-President: Marty Reed, 314-852-1332,
PBA Email:
Counties: Bates, Vernon, Cedar, St. Clair & Henry
Upper Osage PBA was started in July, 2018 by local landowners that live in and around the Upper Osage Grassland priority geography in West Central Missouri.
President: Lindsey Reinarz,
Contact: Len Gilmore, 417-839-0635,
Technical Advisors:
Aimee Coy, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
Josh Cussimanio, MDC Private Land Conservationist,
Counties: Cass, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, Saline
The WCM-PBA stands as a beacon of environmental stewardship enhancing public education & the application of prescribed burning as an effective natural resource tool, teaming up with the Missouri Department of Conservation and Quail Forever Missouri.
President: Arthur Kanneman, 870-565-8838
Vice President: Susan Jaster, 816-589-4725
Secretary/Treasurer: Kinser Madison, 660-232-0831
Director-At-Large: Michael Lucas, 816-585-7350
Director-At-Large: Joel Davis, 816-522-4260
PBA Email:
Technical Advisors:
Drew Summers, Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologist,, 816-884-4432 x3936
Haley Lockard, Quail Forever Missouri Farm Bill Manager,
Austin Worth, MDC Private Land Conservationist,, 660-362-3044
Dave Niebruegge, MDC Private Land Conservationist,, 660-460-4106
Instagram: westcentral_missouri_burnassoc
Counties: Christian, Stone, Taney and into adjacent counties
Organized in 2023 following two public meetings, the White River PBA is accepting membership and organizing local equipment to assist members with prescribed burns.
Vice President: Tim Russell, 417-207-2702,
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