Visit the National Weather Service's Fire Weather Dashboard for Information and links to fire zone forecasts and area forecast discussions.
View Missouri county drought monitoring conditions.
This map is produced daily by combining the fire danger products produced for Canada and Mexico through the Canadian Wildfire Information System and the fire danger from the US Wildland Fire Assessment System.
The Keetch-Bryam Drought Index is one of the few daily indices used to monitor drought. It is most often utilized in the wildfire community, for it can give a real-time indication of the drying potential for the finer fuels such as grasses and shrubs.
Where hourly wind speed and direction are recorded, registered users of MRCC's cli-MATE tools can select any time frame during a station’s period of record to analyze the wind speed and direction, including filtering specific dates or times of the day.
The National Weather Service provides weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.
(Experimental program in progress)
Use these instructions provided below and access both NWS Hourly Weather Forecast and Routine Fire Weather Forecast (subject to change).
Access National Weather Service (NWS) stations and Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) to view current weather variables including relative humidity (RH), wind speed and direction, temperature, etc.
The Southern Smoke Management Guide made use of a simple graphical smoke screening system. This system relied upon a simple protractor to use with paper maps in marking out a smoke impact zone.The Southern High Resolution Modeling Consortium created a digital version of this tool.
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